Slush Powder lets you do the impossible! Armed with this secret weapon, you’ll be able to perform miracles. Slush Powder gives you the power to perform trick that formerly required cumbersome gimmicks and apparatus with the greatest of ease, and very little preparation. For years, Slush Powder has been an overlooked accessory in the world of magic. Now, with this booklet, some careful thought and practice, you’ll be able to perform a wide variety of trick sure to stun any audience.
The step by step instruction in this booklet give you all the details on how to work easy-to-do miracles with this secret substance.
Inside, you’ll learn how to:
Visibly morph a glass full of milk into a handkerchief!
Vanish a bowl full of water!
Change a glass of water into a snowstorm of confetti!
Vanish a shot glass full of liquid from your bare hands!
Included inside is an assortment of innovative tricks and ideas from Patrick Page, one of magic’s most creative thinkers.
For use with Slush Powder get it here. This item does not come with slush powder. This is only the booklet explaining the tricks that can be done with Slush Powder