3 Card Monte -Easy Card Tricks

Watch the demos of these 2 easy card tricks to learn. These are classic tricks. Try and follow the red card with the 3 card Monte. And watch the switch in the 2 card trick

The Three Card Monte is a classic of magic. It has been used my street performers and other magicians for ages. Some have used this trick for gambling and trying to win money from others. But the best way is just for entertainment. There are many variations of this trick. Some require more sleight of hand than others. This way of performing the card trick is very simple once you know the secret.
Effect: Show three cards and have the audience follow the red card. They try to but the card switches and changes into the other cards. So all 3 are the same.

The 2 card monte has been performed in many venues. By magicians on tv and by others professionally. The magic effect is an easy one to learn yet creates much delight for the audience. You can pick this card trick up and learn it very rapidly. The skill is mastered
quickly and then your ready to show the trick.
Effect: Just show 2 cards and place one behind your body. The cards jump places and switch whenever you want.
There is only one secret move that needs to be learn. It cant be performed without the special cards supplied.

These easy card tricks Three Card Monte & Two Card Monte will allow you to amaze almost anyone.

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Portland, Oregon 97225 USA

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